

Russia-Japan Workshop

【日 時】2011年2月4日(金)10:00〜17:30
【場 所】島根県立大学本部棟2F会議室
【内 容】Welcome speech 
      Osamu INOUE (The University of Shimane)
      Vadim GAPONENKO (Maritime State University)
     Session 1: International Relations and Territorial Issues
      "The Japanese Territorial Claims on Kurile Islands: A View from Russia"
       Boris TKACHENKO (Maritime State University)
      "The Impact of State and Non-State Actors on Politics of Territorial Legitimacy"
       Takeshi SATO (The University of Shimane)
      "Strategic Security Issues in North East Asia"
       Sergey SMIRNOV (Maritime State University)
      Session 2: Environmental Issues in Northeast Asia
      "The Coastal Area Environmental Problems Uniting Russia and Japan"
       Yana BLINOVSKAYA (Maritime State University)
      "Climate Policies in Japan and Japan-Russia Environmental Cooperation"
       Tadashi OKIMURA (The University of Shimane)
     Session 3: Maritime Policy and Fishery Management
      "Maritime Policy of Russian Federation and Japan in North-East Asia"
       Vadim GAPONENKO (Maritime State University)
      "Actual Problems of Russian Crab Exports to Japan"
       Alex KARAIVANOV (Maritime State University)
       Yuji FUKUHARA (The University of Shimane)
     Session 4: Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia 
      "Needs for International Cooperation in 
                Transportation and Logistics in Northeast Asia"
       Tagir KHUZIATOV(Maritime State University)
      "The Economic Crisis in Russia Reconsidered"
       Satoshi MIZOBATA (Kyoto University)
      "Changes of Russia-Japan Economic Relations and 
               Problems of Sea Ports on the Coast of Japan Sea"
       Hiroaki HAYASHI (The University of Shimane)
     Concluding Remarks
      Hiroaki HAYASHI
      Vadim GAPONENKO


【日 時】2011年1月13日(木)16:40〜18:10
【場 所】講義研究棟会議室B
【内 容】「富山-極東ロシア間の中古車輸出貿易の現状と課題」
【講 師】山本雅資(富山大学極東地域研究センター准教授)
【後 援】島根県立大学総合政策学会・同地域連携推進センター

□開催報告は『NEAR News』第39号(p. 2)に掲載しています。